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Using Swagger annotations

Concept Description

Swagger provides a set of annotations for describing interface contracts. Users can use annotations to add descriptions of contracts to their code. ServiceComb supports part of these annotations.

Scene Description

By using annotations to describe interface contracts, users can use ServiceComb's Swagger contract generation function to automatically generate contract documents that meet the requirements without having to manually write and modify contracts, which can effectively improve development efficiency.

Configuration instructions

The official description can be found in the [Swagger Annotation Document] ( You can refer to the official documentation and this guide to learn how to use annotations to specify the properties of a Swagger contract under the ServiceComb framework.

In ServiceComb, Swagger annotations are not required. When a user uses SpringMVC and JAX-RS annotations to annotate microservice methods, ServiceComb can infer the contract information for each microservice method based on the values ​​of these annotations.


@Api acts at the class level and is used to mark a Class as a Swagger resource in the official Swagger description. However, this annotation is not required in ServiceComb. ServiceComb can determine which classes need to parse the Swagger contract based on @RestSchema and @RpcSchema.

Attribute Type Description
Tags string set the default tag value of the operation defined under the current Class
consumes string specify the MIME types of request in schema level, separated by commas
produces string specify the MIME types of response in schema level, separated by commas


Acts at the class level to define information in a Swagger resource.

Attribute Type Description
info.title string Contract Document Title
info.description string Description
info.version string contract version number
info.termsOfService string Terms of Service string Contact information, including name, email, url attributes
info.license string License information, including name, url attribute
info.extensions string Extended Information
consumes string Receive Request Format
produces string returned response format
schemes SwaggerDefinition.Scheme Optional values ​​are HTTP/HTTPS/WS/WSS/DEFAULT
tags @Tag Tag definition, @Tag contains three attributes: name, description, externalDocs
externalDocs @externalDocs External documentation links, including values ​​and urls


Acts at the method level to describe a Swagger operation.

Attribute Type Description
value string A brief description of the method, corresponding to the summary field of the Swagger contract operation
notes string Details, corresponding to the description field of the Swagger contract operation
Tags string label operation label
code int HTTP status code for response messages
response Class<?> Method return value type
responseContainer string The container type that wraps the return value. The optional values ​​are List, Set, Map
ResponseHeaders @ResponseHeader HTTP response message header, ServiceComb support attribute value ofname, response,responseContainer
Consumes string specified data format request body
Produces string body in response to the data format specified
Protocols string the available protocol (schemes), possible values ​​are http,https, ws,wss, separated by commas
httpMethod string Set HTTP method
hidden boolean Weather to hide this method


Acts at the method level, which is used to describe the properties of the parameters of the operation in the Swagger document.

Note: ServiceComb can automatically infer parameter names based on code and SpringMVC, JAX-RS annotations. If the parameter name of the @ApiImplicitParam configuration is different from the automatically inferred parameter name, then the parameter of the annotation configuration will be added as a new parameter to the operation in which the annotation is located; otherwise, the property of the parameter with the same name will be overwritten.

Attribute Type Description
name string parameter name
value string Parameter Description
required boolean Is this a required parameter
dataType string Parameter Data Type
paramType string parameter location, valid optional value is path/query/body/header/form
allowableValues ​​ string Range of valid values ​​for
allowEmptyValue boolean Whether to allow null values ​​
allowMultiple boolean Whether to allow multiple values ​​(if true, parameters can be used as an array)
collectionFormat string In which format the parameter array is specified, the current ServiceComb support value is csv/multi
defaultValue string parameter default
example string Example value for a non-body parameter
format string Allows users to customize the data format. See the Swagger official documentation for details.


@ApiImplicitParams acts on methods, class levels, and is used to batch specify multiple @ApiImplicitParam.

Attribute Type Description
value @ApiImplicitParam Parameter definition


Used to describe the meaning of the HTTP status code of the returned message. Usually @ApiOperation can represent the HTTP status code of a normal return message. In other cases, the HTTP status code is described by this note. According to the Swagger official documentation, this annotation should not be used directly at the method level, but should be included in @ApiResponses.

Attribute Type Description
code int Return the HTTP status code of the message
message string Description of the return value
response Class<?> Type of return value
responseContainer string The wrapper for the return value, with an optional value of List/Set/Map
responseHeaders @ResponseHeader Describes a set of HTTP headers that return messages. The properties of @ResponseHeader supported by ServiceComb are name, description, response, responseContainer


Acts on methods, class levels, to specify and specify a set of return values.

Attribute Type Description
value @ApiResponse Return to message description